Avoid animal-based foods in monsoon period


 During the monsoon season, it is advisable to avoid certain animal-based foods to ensure your well-being. Here are some that you should steer clear of:

1. Seafood: It's best to avoid consuming seafood, especially raw or undercooked varieties, as they may contain harmful bacteria and parasites that thrive in the rainy season.

2. Raw meat: Opt for well-cooked meat instead of raw or rare cuts to minimize the risk of foodborne illnesses. Bacteria multiply rapidly in the moist environment, making it unsafe to consume raw meats during this time.

3. Street-side meat preparations: Avoid street vendors selling meat dishes, as there is a higher chance of unhygienic conditions and improper handling leading to contamination.

4. Eggs: While eggs are generally safe to eat, storing them incorrectly or consuming them undercooked can pose health risks. Make sure eggs are properly cooked and stored in a cool, dry place during the monsoon.

5. Dairy products: Fresh dairy products like milk, cheese, and yogurt can spoil quickly in the humid weather. Ensure their quality by using pasteurized products and keeping them refrigerated at all times.

6. Fried snacks and fast food: Indulging in fried snacks and fast food containing animal fats during the monsoon can lead to digestive problems and increase the risk of food poisoning. Opt for healthier alternatives instead.

Remember, by being cautious about the types of animal-based foods you consume during the monsoon, you can reduce the chances of falling ill and enjoy a healthy seasonal experience. Stay safe and have a great monsoon!

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